Facial Recognition VS Facial Verification

scantek identification

Facial Recognition VS
Facial Verification

What's the difference between facial verification and facial recognition?

Face recognition system, technology for Facial Identity

In recent years, facial biometric technology has taken an enormous leap forward. Businesses have recognised this and are embracing software that can provide accurate facial identity while also protecting their client’s personal data. There are two types of facial software applications that often get lumped together or are believed to be the same thing – however, that’s not the case.

Facial recognition and facial verification are two very different technologies and need to be considered separate from one another. To help you understand each product, let’s explain in more detail the difference between facial recognition and facial verification.

Facial Recognition and Facial Verification: How it works

Mobile biometric identification and verification face detection concept. face ID scaning or unlocking technology.

To best explain how each technology works, here are two scenarios:


You’re sitting in your seat at Optus Stadium, waiting for your favourite singer to perform. Facial recognition technology, combined with CCTV, is scanning the crowd to match faces against a database of known or suspected criminals. This is facial recognition.


You’ve decided to become a first-time homeowner and purchase a house. You need to apply for a mortgage to pay for the new home. You log on to your bank via your laptop or mobile device, and you use the device camera to scan your driver’s license or passport to prove your identity and are then asked to scan your face to confirm that your physical face matches the one in the ID document provided.

Questions around the ethics of facial recognition are calling for clarity on its use and are matters for public discussion. However, facial verification is not the same thing.

Why do we need Facial Verification?

Face recognition system, technology

Traditionally, we verified our identity by walking into a bank or telecommunications store and handing over personal documentation to someone. That person is then tasked with verifying our identity by confirming a match between our physical face and the image displayed on the identification document. 

In a digital world, where ‘in-store’ shopping is no longer necessary, the challenge lies in transferring facial verification of our identities into a seamless digital process.

The digitisation of Identity Verification

At Scantek, we specialise in identity verification, and part of this process includes facial verification. Our technology enables you to complete facial verification and confirm you are who you say you are from the comfort of your own home.

As a business owner, the facial verification app provides you with:

  • The knowledge that the verification is taking place
  • The knowledge the customer has willingly collaborated with the verification
  • Assurance of security and privacy

Aside from correct data capture and ease of use, the security of data is equally as important. 

Our technology requires no effort from the user. Moreover, facial verification provides security, safety, simplicity, and privacy in today’s digital world. It is distinctly different from facial recognition and should be treated as such.

If you’d like to find out more about our identity verification technology, contact Scantek today.

Three key steps to protect your business from identity fraud

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Three key steps to protect your
business from identity fraud.

Tech-Economy: Proactive Fraud Protection

Technology has opened new economic avenues but heightened risks. The complexity of business operations demands proactive measures like “business identity fraud protection” to mitigate cyber and financial threats.

Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements are now mandated in many industries, along with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) requirements. But, protecting your business while meeting your KYC compliance requirements is just as important and only takes three steps: 

  • Check your customer’s identities regularly: Many industries require regular identity checks, not just during onboarding. Don’t forget that when checking a customer’s identification documents, you need to monitor for inconsistencies closely.
  • Undertake Customer Due Diligence (CDD): The use of fake identity documentation is rapidly rising. Checking identity documents against other sources is mandatory for many industries, and protects your business from fraud. Recommended measures include collecting customer information from trusted sources as well as determining the purpose, intended nature and key beneficiaries of any transactions.
  • Manage risk by applying Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): Experience tells us that some transactions and types of customers are higher risk than others – particularly when working across countries or where information provided may be inconsistent. At this stage, you should gather additional information to gain a deeper understanding of customer activity, thereby reducing the risk to your business.

Manual processes, like photocopying documents or sending your customers to a third party, are insecure, expensive, time-consuming and challenging to manage. Fake identity documents are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it nearly impossible for staff to detect. 

Automate KYC for efficient, secure customer data protection. Digital identity verification ensures quick, reliable, and accurate information, ensuring customer authenticity.

Reach out today to explore how Scantek can assist you in seamlessly meeting your business’s compliance requirements, including robust “business identity fraud protection.

Identity Verification: Thinking outside of the box

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Identity Verification:
Thinking outside of the box.

Digital verification transcends geographical barriers, enabling global customer connections. In this digital age, with more companies providing virtual services, “Identity verification innovation” is crucial for robust online authentication. 

From financial crime, identity theft, to account takeover, robust identity verification is now a necessity. Performing online identification provides a competitive advantage while protecting your business from harm.

But, we can apply the same approach to identity verification in community-based settings. Our recent involvement with the Government of Western Australia’s Banned Drinkers’ Register has provided us with an opportunity to deliver solutions outside of the box

We delivered a digital solution for remote Western Australia, aiding the government’s health goals. Leveraging a decade of identity verification expertise, our involvement demonstrated effective problem-solving in diverse challenges.

For a decade, we have supplied scanning solutions to nightlife venues throughout Australia to help improve and reduce antisocial behaviour. Research shows that when ID scanners are used within these settings, violence, and crime-related incidents reduce significantly. 

We focused our efforts on delivering cutting-edge technology that provides local business owners control on who they sell alcohol to. We achieved this through a unique mix of artificial intelligence and genuine concern for our local community. Our ‘hands-on’ approach from design, build, through to the delivery saw our CEO, Ches Rafferty and General Manager, Sam Brown, personally deliver the units to the Pilbara. 

To learn more about this project or explore how we can integrate similar solutions into your business, connect with us today. Embrace “Identity verification innovation” for enhanced operations.