
Capture, verify and secure property buyer and seller identities. Instantly.

How it works verify your identity

Gain the competitive edge

In the changing landscape of digital conveyancing, manual or non-secured verification slows your progress. But today, cutting-edge technology can refine the identity verification process to speed up your business operations.

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Scantek’s digital verification system is fast, simple and accurate. In fact, it’s widely regarded as Australia’s safest and most reliable method for identity and document verification.
Conveyancing ID checks and Identity Verify

Is manual identity verification holding you up?

The clock starts ticking the moment your customer engages your help with settlement. Legal implications loom within every timeframe on the property contract. When you and your customer have mile-long checklists to get through, speedy processing becomes one of the most valuable services you can offer.

How quick is your verification of identity (VOI)?

You’re locked into their wait times when a third party is needed for checking identity documents. Their backlogs, your delays. Their service costs you in administration fees and time, and limits your flexibility in moving pre-settlement processes along.

Online identity verification gets past admin overheads, paper shuffling, appointments with Justices of the Peace, and frustrating delays. It’s a user-friendly, fast and accurate alternative to outdated, manual verification methods.

The Scantek digital conveyancing solution

Get the job done faster while keeping ARNECC happy. 

Quality conveyancers appreciate that VOI is an important safeguard against fraudulent land transactions. It’s a mandatory conveyancing requirement in every Australian state for good reason. 

But to manually comply with ARNECC’s ‘reasonable steps to verify identity’ your customer has many hoops to jump through. It may be the most tedious task in the sequence, and a cause for unnecessary angst. 

We’ve spent over a decade listening to businesses like yours. And we’ve built the solution you need: Protected, instant identity verification.

Steps to ID verification
Benefits of choosing ID Verification

Easy compliance

Meet your compliance obligations without losing precious work hours doing fact-checking. Our verification process meets ARNECC standards, and because it’s digital, you’re guaranteed a consistent approach

Your Scantek portal automates biometric facial comparisons and organises reports for easy retrieval. Track our VOI at work in real time and use fraud indicators on reports to make confident onboarding decisions.

Why Scantek Identity Verification

document verification

Instant and accurate

With the advanced technology ecosystem we’ve created, you’ll see why your VOI results are more accurate than a person could ever be. And it’s all done in minutes.

liveness detection

Customer convenience

Your customers will love how easy it is. No face-to-face meetings. No paperwork to deliver to your office. Instead, they complete their verification anywhere, any time.

facial recognition

Protected information

Our level of information security meets the ARNECC standard of protecting information from unauthorised use, reproduction or disclosure.

Scantek geolocation

Easy sign-up

Meeting compliance requirements no longer means expensive overheads. With Scantek there are no locked-in contracts or sign-up fees. It’s just $25 + GST per verification.

How Scantek works

Our VOI technology combines artificial intelligence and machine learning. Together they create an automated process that’s simple and easy to use.

All your customer needs is a device with a camera.

All you need is to log in to your customised, secure Scantek portal

How the app works
for your customer

1. Communication

Your customer receives an email or text to start their verification.

2. Document Guide

The app guides your customer to scan their identity documents using the camera on their device.

3. Biometric Analysis

To check that your customer is ‘live’, the app guides them through a random series of head and facial movements. These movements are digitally compared to document photos. Machine analysis exposes pre-recorded videos or fake visuals.

4. Verification Checks

That’s your customer’s part done—and they won’t ever need to re-prove their identity because you’ll have a retrievable record. 

The app then gets to work with authentications using Scantek’s direct access to Australian data sources, including:

  • Document Verification Service (DVS)

You receive a notification when it’s complete.

How the portal works
for your business

1. Request a verification of identity

You’ll log in to the Scantek portal. From your dashboard you’ll enter your customer’s basic information and any extra information they might need. One click sends a request to that customer. 

If your customer is with you in person, you can capture their identity then and there, using the portal.

2. Get notified when the verification is complete

You’ll receive an email to let you know when your customer is done. The report will be in your portal dashboard.

3. Easy access to reports

Your customer verification reports are securely stored in one place, making them easier to access than paper-based records. Your dashboard list includes all verification results in time order. 

Reports are trackable for auditing, with intuitive search functions by name or filter. 

They’re a confirmation of all steps taken to verify the customer’s identity. Where relevant, they show any other sources consulted for authentication. 

Your online portal provides a simple, streamlined way to keep your records organised, retrievable and compliant with ARNECC standards.

Conveyancing checks Emily Brown approved

More than identity verification

While conveyancing is your speciality, we know you also have a business to run. We help with a variety of other authentications your business might need, like onboarding employees or streamlining credential checks for internal job transfers.

We customise your portal to include the modules you need:

  • Vaccination status: Confirm a person has had their COVID-19 or other required vaccinations.
  • Document verification: Does biographic information on an identity document match the original record?
  • Educational certificates: Is the stated qualification complete
  • Conveyancing licences and registrations: Are these up to date?

Package all the verifications you need into one seamless system.

Why Scantek

Image icon: We protect your reputation.

No geographical boundaries

No need to visit an office or stand in queues. Whether your customers use their smart phones or web browsers, they can complete their identity verification at a time and place that suits them.

Digital automation is fast

Digital automation is fast

The convenience of a fully digital system is speed. Thousands of micro-checks happen in seconds. Document and photo authentications that would take humans hours or days are completed within minutes.

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Real-time reporting

Use your Scantek portal to watch the progress of verifications as they happen. Even better, if you’re processing high volumes every day, monitor multiple checks at the same time.


Discover secure client verification in seconds

In the office or on the road, our mobile Verification of Identity is fast, convenient and secure. Download our Conveyancing Brochure to find out more.

Request Brochure