Identity Verification:
Thinking outside of the box.

Digital verification transcends geographical barriers, enabling global customer connections. In this digital age, with more companies providing virtual services, “Identity verification innovation” is crucial for robust online authentication. 

From financial crime, identity theft, to account takeover, robust identity verification is now a necessity. Performing online identification provides a competitive advantage while protecting your business from harm.

But, we can apply the same approach to identity verification in community-based settings. Our recent involvement with the Government of Western Australia’s Banned Drinkers’ Register has provided us with an opportunity to deliver solutions outside of the box

We delivered a digital solution for remote Western Australia, aiding the government’s health goals. Leveraging a decade of identity verification expertise, our involvement demonstrated effective problem-solving in diverse challenges.

For a decade, we have supplied scanning solutions to nightlife venues throughout Australia to help improve and reduce antisocial behaviour. Research shows that when ID scanners are used within these settings, violence, and crime-related incidents reduce significantly. 

We focused our efforts on delivering cutting-edge technology that provides local business owners control on who they sell alcohol to. We achieved this through a unique mix of artificial intelligence and genuine concern for our local community. Our ‘hands-on’ approach from design, build, through to the delivery saw our CEO, Ches Rafferty and General Manager, Sam Brown, personally deliver the units to the Pilbara. 

To learn more about this project or explore how we can integrate similar solutions into your business, connect with us today. Embrace “Identity verification innovation” for enhanced operations.