What do they say about assuming? Why you should give your clients a choice in how they complete their VOI

Now, more than ever, the role of conveyancers in ensuring the security and integrity of property transactions is paramount. An essential part of this process is the Verification of Identity (VOI), a step designed to prevent fraud and ensure the legitimacy of those involved in the transaction. There are a variety of methods available to conveyancers to help their clients complete the VOI. And while choice is a beautiful thing, it begs the question – who’s choice should it be? The conveyancer’s or their client’s?  

Digital VOI products, such as Scantek’s market-leading solution, offer a seamless, secure way for clients to verify their identity from the comfort of their own homes. Yet, some conveyancers shy away from offering this option, particularly to older clients, assuming they would prefer traditional, in-person methods. In reality, though, giving clients a choice can significantly enhance their property settlement experience, save time, and reduce stress – especially for those who might surprise you by opting for the digital route.

The rise of digital adoption among older Australians

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that digital solutions only suit tech-savvy younger generations. However, recent statistics reveal that Australians aged 65 and over are the fastest-growing segment of mobile phone users. Furthermore, data from Statista reveals that Australians aged 55 and over are also the fastest-growing group of mobile e-commerce users, highlighting a significant shift in how older adults engage with technology. 

This increasing digital adoption shows that the older generation is not only capable but often prefers the convenience of digital solutions.

Let’s challenge some assumptions and debunk some myths

Assuming that certain clients – like the elderly or those unfamiliar with technology – would be uncomfortable with a digital VOI process is a disservice to both the client and the conveyancer. Scantek’s digital identity verification solution is designed to be intuitive, highly secure and features a user-friendly interface.  In fact, we’ve had countless comments that it’s actually an enjoyable experience, even for those who might initially seem apprehensive.

Here are some common assumptions and the realities that debunk them:

  • Assumption: My elderly clients won’t use Digital VOI

Reality: The rapid growth in smartphone use among Australians over 55 shows that now, more than ever, they are willing to embrace new technology. A digital VOI allows them to complete their identity checks without the inconvenience of travelling to a post office or meeting in person. The simplicity of Scantek’s process, which guides users step-by-step, often means that even those who are less familiar with technology find it accessible and convenient.

  • Assumption: Me/My clients prefer traditional methods

Reality: While some clients might appreciate the option of in-person verification, consumer behaviour studies tell us that more are seeking convenience. Digital VOI saves them from scheduling appointments or travelling to a location for their identity check. Scantek’s solution allows clients to complete the VOI in minutes from wherever they are – at home, at work, or even while on holiday.

  • Assumption: I think Digital VOI is too complicated

Reality: Scantek’s digital VOI is designed with ease of use in mind, providing clear instructions and a straightforward process that eliminates confusion. The platform’s intuitive design ensures that clients of all ages and with all levels of technology skills can complete their VOI quickly and easily. At the same time, the secure environment protects their sensitive information.

The benefits of offering Digital VOI

Beyond debunking misconceptions, there are clear benefits to offering your clients the choice of digital VOI:

  • Compliance and Security

Scantek’s digital VOI platform includes countless features that are simply not available using traditional VOI methods. These include back-to-source Document Verification Services checks, Visa Checks for Foreign Passports, GPS and IP address location tracking, Name Comparison Checks, Biometric Facial Comparison, and Liveness Checks. This comprehensive approach not only meets ARNECC compliance standards but also protects against identity fraud, safeguarding your clients’ sensitive information.

  • Efficiency and Time Savings

By giving clients the option to complete their VOI digitally, conveyancers can significantly reduce manual filing and the need to store the data collected securely. The digital process takes minutes, freeing up time for both clients and practitioners. 

  • Flexibility and Ease of Use

Scantek’s platform is accessible and easy to navigate, both for clients completing their VOI and for conveyancers navigating the Conveyancer portal. The choice of digital VOI offers flexibility – clients can complete their verification when and where it suits them best, eliminating scheduling conflicts and unnecessary delays.

  • Cost-Effective Solution

Scantek’s VOI solution offers a low-cost, no-commitment approach. There are no sign-up fees, and conveyancers or their clients are only billed upon successfully completing the VOI. As a conveyancer, you really have nothing to lose by sending the Digital VOI link to your client.  If they end up preferring another method or cannot complete the digital process, there’s no charge to you or them.

Why not offer the digital option every time?

One of the most compelling reasons to offer the digital VOI option on every file is that there’s nothing to lose. Since Scantek’s billing structure only charges for successful VOI checks, there’s no financial risk to you in sending the link to every client. The client decides how they want to proceed, whether digitally or in person. And with the flexibility for the conveyancer to choose whether they or the client pay for the service, it’s an easy, risk-free way to offer a superior client experience.

Go on, give your clients the choice and see what happens!

Don’t let preconceived ideas or assumptions dictate how you manage your VOI process. Giving your clients the choice to complete their identity verification in a way that suits them best ultimately results in a superior client experience. Whether they are tech-savvy or not, Scantek’s digital VOI solution is designed to be accessible, secure, and user-friendly, ensuring compliance and enhancing client satisfaction. 

For more information or to schedule a demo of Scantek’s digital VOI solution, contact us today and see how you can offer a more convenient and secure experience for your clients.

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