Real Estate

Digital identity verification to help you welcome only the most authentic home buyers, sellers and renters on board.

Scantek Client Verification

Advance the way you verify identity

In property sales and leasing, it’s important to know you’re dealing with legitimate people. You need verifications you can trust to quickly expose fraudsters.

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Scantek’s instant identity verification system is simple to use, with sophisticated technology protecting you. Our methods are trusted across Australia as safe, fast and accurate.

Conveyancing ID checks and Identity Verify

Are you sacrificing precious time to meet compliance requirements?

Successful property agents know the legal requirement for identity verifications is a good idea for their own safeguarding too. Identity fraud has caused too much damage in the real estate industry to take any chances. The last thing you want is lawsuits involving fake property owners, money-laundering shell companies or imposter tenants.

But are the verification steps you’re taking reasonable for you? Manual verification is time-consuming and incurs admin costs. More paperwork, in-person office visits and frustrating queues could increase client drop-off rates.

Scantek’s digital verification is easy for your client, achieves better accuracy than any human can, and protects you from fraud. Best of all, it’s complete within minutes, freeing up your time to focus on other business.

The Scantek real estate solution

Technology that keeps you ahead of the competition. 

Real estate: using artificial intelligence, machine learning, biometrics, and more, our automated system takes the hassle out of real estate compliance for identity and document verification.

  • Impress clients by keeping the process simple
  • Retain a secure, auditable record of verification results
  • Avoid being caught out by money launderers or scammers
Steps to ID verification
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Fast results

It’s 100% digital, which means no people are needed to authenticate the data. Unlike manual verification, our automated processes do all the heavy lifting of detailed, accurate checks and crosschecks for you.


Precision analysis

No more human errors. Millions of machine micro-checks between photographs and live images, documents and original sources, give you superior accuracy.

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Secure storage

We’re certified and audited under ISO 27001 Information Security Management. Your client data is never viewed by humans. It’s stored securely on Australian servers, never leaving the country.

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Accessible data

A non-editable, digital stamp of time, date and person is tagged onto every completed verification. Reports, accessed via your Scantek portal and secured for nine years, stand as evidence of your compliance.

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Remote access

Location is never a barrier. Digital verification can be completed anywhere, any time. Plus, digital geolocation flags offshore verifications, in case this should raise suspicion.

Our VOI technology combines artificial intelligence and machine learning. Together they create an automated process that’s simple and easy to use.

All your customer needs is a device with a camera.

All you need is to log in to your customised, secure Scantek portal

How the app works
for your client

1. Request

Your customer receives an email or text to start their verification.

2. Document Guide

The app guides your customer to scan their identity documents using the camera on their device.

3. Biometric Analysis

To check that your client is a real person, the app guides them through a random series of head and facial movements, exposing fake or pre-recorded videos. Advanced technology compares captured images to identity document photos.

4. Verification Checks

That’s your client’s part done. The app then gets to work using biometric facial recognition, optical character recognition and other complex digital processes to authenticate documents and identity.

We have direct access to several Australian and international data sources for verifications, including:

  • Document Verification Service (DVS)
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
  • Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF)
  • Visa Check (VEVO)
  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEP)

You receive a notification when it’s complete.

How the portal works
for your business

Your online portal provides a simple, streamlined way to keep your verification records organised, retrievable and compliant with industry requirements.

1. Request a verifications

From the dashboard on your Scantek portal, you’ll enter your client’s basic information and list any extra information you need from them. One click sends them a request

If your client is with you in person, you can capture their identity then and there, using the portal.

2. Receive notifications of completion

An email lets you know when your client has completed their part. Their verification results will appear in your portal as a report.

3. View reports

Verification reports confirm all steps taken to verify your client’s identity. They can be used as evidence in an audit or legal enquiries. 

Your reports are securely stored in one place, making them easier to retrieve than paper-based records. Reports are trackable for auditing, with intuitive search functions by filter. 

Why Scantek

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Leading-edge technology

The only place we’re content is at the forefront of changing technology. At work behind your user-friendly platform is a team of engineers, data scientists, analysts and other experts at the top of their game. 

We’re constantly developing our processes so that you benefit from the latest advances in cyber security.

Digital automation is fast

CRM Capabilities

When Scantek is part of your buying, selling and renting process, automated processes support your client relationship management. You’ll gain a trackable record of purchases including who was involved and when they occurred. You’ll also be able to keep tabs on private sales. If you work with the same client again, they won’t need to repeat their verification. Their records are stored in your portal for the next nine years.
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Designed to support

Support for you and your client is one of our priorities. 

For your client: The app guides them intuitively through every step of their verification. We make sure they know how to complete each step successfully. 

For you: We tailor every solution to your business needs. Anything from a single component to a preconfigured, end-to-end industry product is possible.


Discover secure client verification in seconds

In the office or on the road, our mobile Verification of Identity is fast, convenient and secure. Download our Real Estate Brochure to find out more.

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