Banking & Finance

Whether you’re a large bank or a small finance lender, Scantek has an identity verification solution to help you onboard customers and reduce risk.

Improve the customer experience and meet regulatory requirements

Identity verification that meets KYC/AML and other compliance demands is becoming increasingly expensive for financial institutions to administer. Processes to onboard customers are cumbersome and time-consuming, which can result in a poor customer experience.

Without a different approach to risk management, costs associated with compliance will continue to rise.

The SCANTEK solution is simple to use and provides a faster means to authenticate and store your clients’ ID. Whether you’re a large bank, a small lender or a home loan specialist, our technology allows you to protect private customer data from criminal activity whilst complying with all necessary regulatory requirements.

Identity Verification(Banking & Finance)
Identity Verification (Banking & Finance)

Recognise thousands of ID types with our user-friendly software

SCANTEK is incredibly easy to use and the whole process can be completed by a customer in their own home in under 40 seconds. Our software can scan thousands of different personal identification document types including driver licenses, ID cards, and passports – so all your customer needs to do is confirm the key fields and give their consent.

We also have a range of physical ID scanners and software to assist with verification in store. 

Protect customer data with our safe and secure Australian servers

We are ISO 27001 Information Security Management compliant – so you can rest assured that your customers data is in safe hands. All data is stored on Australian servers – so your customers personal information will never leave the country.

Scantek website Identity check
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Easily meet compliance demands

Meet requirements such as KYC and AML with minimal effort

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Onboard customers

Customers can complete the self-verification process in just 40 seconds

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Prevent businesses losses resulting from fraud

Instantly detect fraudulent or fake IDs and prevent business losses

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