Scantek Announces Partnership with Realtime Conveyancer, Enhancing the Client VOI Process

Marking a significant milestone, Scantek is excited to announce its first integration with a conveyancing software platform, a strategic partnership with Realtime Conveyancer. This collaboration brings our industry-leading Verification of Identity (VOI) services into Realtime Conveyancer’s Transaction Management System (TMS), streamlining the VOI process for our mutual client conveyancers with its simplicity and enhanced security.

Zoe Richmond, Scantek Business Development Manager & Alannah Dillon, Realtime Conveyancer Market Development Executive pictured at the 2023 AICWA State Conference

As our CEO and Founder, Ches Rafferty, shared, “We’re thrilled to partner with Realtime Conveyancer to embed our identity verification solutions within their platform. This partnership changes how conveyancers interact with our technology, making every transaction more secure and efficient.”

“This integration with Scantek is an exciting update for Realtime, as we continue to optimise conveyancing workflows,” said Kylie Dillon, CEO and Founder of Realtime Conveyancer, reflecting on the integration. “Scantek’s technology aligns perfectly with our core values of security and efficiency, giving our users choice to verify their client identities swiftly and safely.”

Our Verification of Identity (VOI) products are designed with the specific needs of conveyancers in mind, offering a fast, secure, and compliant method to verify the identity of buyers and sellers.

Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, facial biometric technology, and Document Verification Service, our solutions verify a person’s identity in real-time, ensuring that all checks meet the stringent standards set by ARNECC regulations. Our VOI products streamline the complex and inherently risky process of identity verification. Additionally, the ability for buyers and sellers to digitally sign the Client Authorisation Form at the time of identification via Scantek, adds an additional layer of security and efficiency to the process.

With the integration of our VOI technology into Realtime Conveyancer’s platform, conveyancers now have the ability to manage their client identity verifications and Client Authorisation Form signing seamlessly within their matter’s workflow. This eliminates the need for conveyancers to switch between systems and reduces the time they’re spending on administrative tasks. 

This strategic partnership with Realtime Conveyancer sets a new standard in the conveyancing industry, offering both enhanced user experience and security. We’re excited to share this milestone achievement with a company like Realtime Conveyancer who, just like us at Scantek, is committed to innovation and takes a proactive approach to address the evolving needs of the conveyancing sector.

For more information on how this integrated solution can benefit your conveyancing practice, please visit our website.