Detect and Prevent Fraud

Shortcuts in fraud detection and prevention are not worth the risk. Scantek offers an established, proactive verification solution.

Scantek Fraud Prevention

Shield your business from fraudsters and safely welcome your ideal customers

To identify today’s tech-savvy imposters, digital verification is the safest and only method worth considering. Scantek’s digital verification quickly identifies the information you need for deciding who to trust and when to suspect fraud.

Stop fraudsters before they get through the door, reduce damage to your brand integrity and protect customer data.

Scantek Yellow Image Icon
Scantek Fraud indicators

Are you allowing privileged access to a fraudster?

Scammers trick you into handing over sensitive information. Hackers exploit weak spots in your network security. Imposters get in under fake names and profiles to scam others. Document thieves scavenge details to unlock access to services and qualifications.

All of them want the same thing: to steal identities.

Using false identities, fraudsters can drain bank accounts, get loans, gain property, steal superannuation, book flights, create social media accounts to scam others, and gain employment, among other things.

All it takes for your business to become a victim of fraud is for one person to copy, share or steal customer details, and your good reputation takes a nasty hit.

To prevent modern-day fraud, business security models are changing fast to the zero-trust approach: every new customer is assumed a potential intruder. Reliable identity verification is essential to ensure that only the right people gain access to the right information under the right conditions.

Specialists in digital verification and data security

You wouldn’t hire an amateur to do a specialist job. Protecting your business from fraud requires specialist knowledge and insight. You need detailed, up-to-date tech expertise and a guarantee of secure data storage. 

Scantek implements both in a two-pronged security approach: 

liveness detection

We make sure that people are who they say they are

Our customers have entrusted us with sensitive data for over a decade. Because of our layered security practices, our data has never been breached.

document verification

We protect data with multi-tier security

Our customers have entrusted us with sensitive data for over a decade. Because of our layered security practices, our data has never been breached.

Security is one of our highest priorities

We’re hypervigilant about ensuring no vulnerabilities in your identity and document verifications. We are ISO 27001 compliant. This is an international standard for security management systems, which requires annual audits to show how we maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Instant identity verification APP

We built the Scantek solution with the flexibility to stay ahead of today’s digital scammers, which is why we chose AI technology. 

Our process guides you in best practice for secure identity verification. Over a decade of foolproof verifications has made us widely regarded as Australia’s safest and most reliable solution for stopping fraudsters before they get in the door.

Risks of data breaches typically happen when data storage safeguards are not maintained: 

  • data storage that doesn’t meet accepted standards
  • a network that has not been security tested
  • transfers of data outside the business

We store data the right way.
We understand the gravity of being responsible for private customer details, so we’ve established stringent security measures:

No information leaves Australia
All captured data stays within local data centres.

Industry-leading encryption
Data is encrypted with unique keys, making it unreadable in case of theft or loss. Secure TLS protocols are used for data movement.

Gold standard cloud platform
We use AWS as our data storage provider. AWS is a leading cloud platform built to be the most flexible and secure computing environment today.

We practice what we preach. 

Hiring and training of our people has a strong security focus. 

Since our business is about keeping you safe, we’re meticulous about verifying our staff and safeguarding privileged access. Staff trust us with their personal data, and every Scantek employee has been vetted. 

By implementing industry-standard safe practices internally, we continually refine our data systems.

Scantek gives you a worry-free verification solution

Cybercrime results in the loss of billions of dollars for Australian businesses every year:

  • Damaged reputation loses the competitive edge and market share
  • Operational downtime costs companies per minute as they go offline
  • Potential legal fees or penalty fines for data breaches can be costly

Scantek helps defend your business against that kind of misfortune.

Scantek Instant identity verification APP women holding a mobile
Drivers Licences Example

Fraudsters denied access

End users with false details can’t get in. There are too many hoops to jump through:

  • biometric recognition: photos must match live data
  • optical character recognition: document text must match source data
  • liveness checks: users must demonstrate live action

Digital processes are significantly more accurate than the human eye for authentication.

Scantek notifies you of any suspicious activity, documents or information before you welcome customers. Make informed onboarding decisions and build a customer base you can trust. Plus, you can use the verification process throughout a customer’s journey, as their entitlements change.

Not all digital verification is created equal. With an advanced technology ecosystem backing our process, Scantek’s gatekeeping is the safest you’ll find.

Instant secure infrastructure

Gain the benefits of a safeguarded business environment for a fraction of the cost.

Ensuring your digital infrastructure guarantees best practice in information security is an expensive investment. You need:

  • Protected servers
  • An IT team that stays up to date on emerging fraud tactics
  • Trustworthy malware and ransomware protection
  • Capacity to protect customer data at all times (up to 9 years in some industries)

We offer this as part of your verification solution. You’ll operate within top-class information systems that our experts are continually advancing.

Four men are gathering on the Scantek Machine Learning Team.
Facial Recognition

Frictionless processing

It’s a delicate balance. You want your customers to enjoy smooth digital onboarding so you can both get on with business. But complying with industry and government regulations can get complex.

Our verification solution streamlines multiple steps into a simple, automated process that ensures your business meets all compliance requirements.

All your customer needs is a smart device with a camera. Once they’ve uploaded their information and completed their liveness checks, you get verification results to a proven accuracy of 95%.

It’s safe and easy for your customer. 

It’s fast and reliable for you. 

Everyone’s happy.

Brand protection

Customer trust takes time to build and is easily broken. Failing to protect private information that your customers entrust to you will do significant damage to your business reputation and brand. 

Scantek quickly stops imposters from gaining a foothold inside your business, so you won’t ever have to explain a data breach. 

When it comes to verifications, Scantek safeguards your business systems, customer privacy and your reputation.

Scantek’s document verification accurate

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